A Helpful Guide To Access UCSD WebReg 2022

Publish date: 2024-04-05

WebReg is a website that provides students at UC San Diego with access to their class schedule, grades, and financial aid information. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with this website before your classes begin so that you know how to use it and can get the most out of its features.

You may use WebReg to enroll in classes and make schedule changes during both the Enrollment by Window and Open Enrollment periods. Refer to in the Quarterly Academic Calendar to view these periods.

NOTE: After these periods, to add, drop, or change, you must submit an Enrollment Exception Request through the Applications section in StudentAccess. Add, drop, and change deadlines are available in the Quarter Activity section of the Quarterly Academic Calendar.

WebReg is available from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. daily, with occasional downtime for maintenance.

During the Enrollment by Window period, when your enrollment window opens, you have 48 hours of full access before you are restricted to non-prime time access (7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.), while other students’ enrollment windows open on an established priority basis.

What is WebReg?

What is WebReg?

WebReg is the official registration system for UC San Diego students. It’s used to register for classes, view class schedules and make changes to your schedule. You’ll also use WebReg to register for housing at UCSD and student health insurance (Health Insurance Premium Billing).

How to Access WebReg

If you have a UCSD email address, you can access WebReg from webreg.ucsd.edu 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you don’t have a UCSD email address, subscribe to the free UCSD Alumni Email service to get one and use it on-campus to log in to WebReg!

Quarter-by-Quarter Guide to Using WebReg

WebReg is a useful website for enrolled students at UC San Diego. The site allows you to check your grades, register for classes and drop classes. WebReg also allows you to view available seats in each class, which can be helpful if you are trying to get into a class that has limited seats left open when it first opens up registration.

WebReg Users Agreement

WebReg is a service provided by the University of California, San Diego.

It is an online registration system that allows users to register for classes, exams and campus housing.

When you use WebReg, you agree to follow all guidelines set forth by UC San Diego and its departments.

WebReg is a useful website for enrolled students at UC San Diego.

WebReg is a website that allows enrolled students to register for classes. When you go to WebReg, you can see the classes that are available and then register for them.

WebReg has been used by UC San Diego students since 2004, so it’s a very useful tool. It is available to current students who want to take more classes or switch between levels or majors.

WebReg is available from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. daily, with occasional downtime for maintenance.

During the Enrollment by Window period, when your enrollment window opens, you have 48 hours of full access before you are restricted to non-prime time access (7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.), while other students’ enrollment windows open on an established priority basis.

Continuing Students: To find your enrollment window, visit StudentAccess beginning the seventh week of the current quarter.

Once logged in to WebReg, you will be able to:


If the lecture class you are tentatively enrolled in requires a co-class, you must successfully add the co-class during the same enrollment session, or you will be dropped from the tentatively enrolled section. If all discussions are full, no one will be allowed to enroll in or waitlist the lecture.


As an undergraduate, you may enroll in as few as 12.0 units or as many as 20.0 units per quarter. However, undergraduate enrollment will be limited to 18.0 units until WebReg reopens after the fee payment deadline. Refer to the Quarterly Academic Calendar to view the date when the 18.0 unit limit is lifted to 20.0 units.

Prior to the lifting of the 18.0 unit limit, undergraduate students with a documented need to enroll in more than 18.0 units should contact their Academic Advising Office for assistance.

After the lifting of the 18.0 unit limit, students must obtain the authorization of their dean if enrolling in more than 20 (20.1) units or enrolling in fewer than 12 units.

Students with an undecided/undeclared major require the approval of the Dean of the Division of Undergraduate Education.

The unit maximum includes units from classes you have waitlisted. Therefore, the total units combined between enrolled and waitlisted classes must not exceed the current limit of either 18 or 20 units.

Units from your waitlisted classes will not count toward the Minimum Required Units (MRU) for Financial Aid recipients. Units from your waitlisted classes will not be counted when verifying your total enrolled units, because you are not officially enrolled in a waitlisted class.

The official Regulation 445 regarding the Enrollment Unit Limitation is available on the UCI Academic Senate website.


As a graduate student, full-time academic enrollment is expected at the University of California. Full-time study is defined as enrollment in at least 12 units of upper-division or graduate academic credit per quarter, including credit for supervised research or teaching. You may enroll in lower-division courses with the approval of your academic advisor, but such courses are not considered to be part of any graduate program.

Ordinarily, you may not receive credit for more than 12 units per quarter in graduate courses, or 16 units in upper-division courses, or a proportionate number in combination. Course loads in excess of 16 units must be approved in advance by your Graduate Advisor.

The 16 unit maximum includes units from classes you have waitlisted. Therefore, the total units combined between enrolled and waitlisted must not exceed 16 units.

Units from your waitlisted classes will not count toward the Minimum Required Units (MRU) for Financial/Graduate Aid recipients. Units from your waitlisted classes will not be counted when verifying your total enrolled units, because you are not officially enrolled in a waitlisted class.


Course restrictions are determined and placed by the department offering the course. When and if a restriction is removed, is also determined by the department offering the course. Therefore, courses may continue to be restricted throughout all enrollment periods.

Questions regarding restriction codes placed on a course should be directed to the department offering the course.

Existing restrictions are identified in the Rstr column of the Schedule of Classes (SOC). Refer to our list of Course Restriction Codes for detailed descriptions of the various restriction codes.


The status of a course indicates the seat availability in that particular course. The status may be found in the Status column of the Schedule of Classes (SOC). Listed below are the 4 possible course statuses and their definitions.

OPEN—Course has seats available.

FULL—Course has no seats available; the waitlist has no seats available (if active).

Waitl—Course has no seats available; seats are available on the waitlist.

NewOnly—The department that offers this course has reserved seats for new students. A New Student is a freshman or transfer student enrolling in their first term at UCI. The number of seats reserved for new students is indicated in the Nor (New Only Reserved) column of the Schedule of Classes.


You must enroll in classes before the end of the second week of instruction. You will be assessed a $50 late enrollment charge if you are enrolled in zero units or enroll after the end of the second week of instruction.

Failing to enroll in classes by the end of the third week of instruction will cause you to lose your student status.


The final deadline for paying tuition and fees late and/or enrolling late is Friday, 4:30 p.m. at the end of the third week of instruction. Failing to pay tuition and fees and enroll by this final deadline will result in the loss of student status.


Some academic holds prevent enrollment in classes. If you have an academic hold on your record, immediately contact the office that placed the hold.

Classes are dropped if a hold remains on your record at 5:00 p.m. on the fee payment deadline.


A UCInetID and password is required to use WebReg. You may activate your UCInetID through the Office of Information Technology website. (OIT)

University offices and faculty use email to communicate with students. This is frequently the preferred means to communicate official notices regarding students status and important class information.

Remember to check your email daily as your mailbox can fill quickly during the first two weeks of a quarter. A full mailbox will prevent the delivery of new messages.

You may set a delivery point that is different than your UCI email so that you do not miss important announcements.


WebReg is a useful website for enrolled students at UC San Diego. It’s easy to access, helpful in planning your schedule, and can be accessed from any device or location. You can check your classes or add new ones, check your grades or register for housing—there’s a lot of important information on there that can help you stay informed about what’s going on at UCSD. We hope this guide has been helpful!
