Collection of 9/11 memes from the internet

Publish date: 2024-04-18

9/11 Memes

September 11, 2001, for the United States of America, was a dark day. Some of these 9/11 memes could be controversial but are worth the look.

So many people died, and the rest were left with the horrors of it. It was such a dreadful day indeed. Unfortunately, this did not stop the internet from adding this dark day to the meme business.

To get its depth, on September 11, 2001, the two World Trade Centers buildings got destroyed after the plane hit them. The hijacked plane was in complete control of the Taliban group. This terrorist attack left the building to collapse right before the eyes of thousand.

Moreover, the 9/11 memes have their various range. It varies from our routines, games to politics and even maths. Here are various 9/11 memes which are worth looking into.

This says what happed on that day. And we all know the answer to this.

Some people have dark humor so they tend to talk about topics that might be controversial. Like the 9/11 meme itself. But some people do love making these kinds of jokes.

It is quite sad about what happened. But sadly, it did.

Ah! The curious mind of a child. I am sure many of you were just as curious about many things. Just hope it wasn’t too adult.

Many of the people speculated the 9/11 incident to an inside job. In addition, they thought the president of the USA has involved himself. This is why it became controversial. This meme portrays President Bush to be like Thanos from the Avengers movies. The villain character who destroys the world.

Did anyone of you play the Flappy Bird game?

And now we have the Angry Birds.

This one feels personal, right?

Math pretty much exists everywhere so why not just use it here, right?

This one is very creative.

Got to be safe although. So let’s not panic people.

Again the internet has exceeded its creative skills. I love this one.

Like I told you, many believe it to be an inside job while only a few don’t.

Each coin has its sides you know.

Someone thought about this a lot. I mean you are involving a cartoon character in a real-life tragic incident.

World Trade Centers don’t exist in the states only you know. 

You must have encountered some window problem yourself as well.

This meme speaks the truth. Even at times like these, the gender thing has always been an issue.

Any Jenga fans around? Be careful about what moves you make.

Sadly, the huge tower did not survive.

Incoming! Be careful!

This game would be fun but I am glad there are birds and pigs instead of that.

The technique that pretty much every parent followed while parenting.

I love puns. And I find this very creative.

Some math jokes for you.

After this incident, I am pretty sure many people stepped back from being a pilot for a while.

Buzz light year in action!
