Did Cody Rhodes really get his tattoo while he was in prison? Know the truth

Publish date: 2024-05-16

Cody Rhodes' neck tattoo is one of the significant changes fans witnessed upon his return to WWE. It's no secret that some fans like to joke that The American Nightmare got it inked in prison but instead of getting mad, the superstar decided to join in the fun.

On last week's episode of WWE RAW, Cody Rhodes, Dominik Mysterio, and Rhea Ripley appeared on Miz TV. During the segment, Dom called Cody a "little birdie with a broken wing" in reference to the latter's broken arm. The younger star also compared Cody to Rey Mysterio, stating they were both deadbeat dads and should be at home.

The American Nightmare then responded by saying he understood Dominik's struggles in prison. The former then said Mysterio still had the worst prison tattoo, referring to the teardrop on Dominik's face, compared to the ink on his neck. However, it should be noted that Cody Rhodes did not get his tattoo in jail but while he was still a part of AEW.

The RAW segment ended with Dominik sneakily slapping Cody. The latter could not retaliate as his rival hid behind his Mami, the SmackDown Women's Champion Rhea Ripley.

What realization did Cody Rhodes experience after getting his neck tattoo?

Rhodes got his tattoo while still in AEW

Getting a tattoo is one that should be planned and thought out. Although Cody Rhodes was sure about his decision, he still encountered some problems later.

While on Logan Paul's IMPAULSIVE podcast, the RAW star shared that his tattoo artist drew the design. However, the wrestler did not realize until after the session that the design was bigger than he thought.

"The tattoo on the neck...the dude drew it, and I always liked the design. The American Nightmare design was what it was. I powered through. I have one tattoo on my chest for my dad. I don't have a lot of tattoos. He's powering through and is like, 'Do you want to take a break?' I kept thinking, 'I'm good.' I wish I had taken a break because I didn't know it was double the size of the drawing I saw." [H/T Fightful]

Does Cody Rhodes have other tattoos?

While the skull logo tattoo on the WWE star's neck is hard to miss, the rest of his artwork is much smaller.

Cody has two other tattoos, one with the word 'Dream' on his chest, which is a tribute to his father, the late Dusty Rhodes, also known as The American Dream.

The 37-year-old has another tattoo on his left finger. It is a simple inverted triangle inside another one and a line separating both shapes. It is represents his family.

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